Available in Ukiah and Ft. Bragg through MTA
On-demand, door-to-door service is available in Fort Bragg and Ukiah on MTA buses specially outfitted to meet the transportation needs of paratransit customers. In Fort Bragg, Dial-A-Ride is open to the general public. Discounted fares there are provided for seniors (62+) and persons with disabilities. MTA customers in Fort Bragg who reserve a Dial-A-Ride bus up to two weeks in advance and at minimum 24 hours in advance are guaranteed a scheduled ride.

This map and Dial-A-Ride zones in Ukiah are changing, and this map is no longer accurate. An updated map with three zones will be uploaded here within the next few weeks. Click the map thumbnail to see a full-size map.
Call today to make a 24-hour advance reservation for senior and paratransit door-to-door bus service: (707) 462-3881.
As of Sept. 1, 2019, Dial-A-Ride service in Ukiah is for paratransit customers only, meaning disabled people and seniors age 62+. A reservation is required 24 hours in advance, and you can schedule recurring rides as far out as you like.
Fares for the updated Dial-A-Ride service are significantly lower outside of downtown Ukiah, and the service area has been significantly expanded to include downtown Redwood Valley, eastern Ukiah communities such as Talmage, Rogina Heights and Deerwood, and Lake Mendocino.
NOTE: The zone map on the right of this page is being updated and the new map with three zones will be posted soon. Seniors and paratransit customers can ride anywhere within the new larger service area for a maximum cost of $6. Tell MTA’s dispatcher where you would like to go and the dispatcher will provide zone pricing information for your ride.
For more detailed information and a Dial-A-Ride Passenger Guide, click here: DAR Passenger Guide Aug 2019 Ukiah
Monday through Friday | 7 am to 6 pm |
Saturday | 10 am to 5 pm |
707-462-3881 |
Cash fare for trips within the new central Ukiah zone is:
Senior (62+)/Disabled | $3.00 |
ADA Attendant | free |
ADA Companion | $3.00 |
The new Dial-A-Ride paratransit service fare for travel outside the new central Ukiah area is $4 and the fare for the outermost zone including Redwood Valley is $6.
Punch passes and tickets are available for Dial-A-Ride passengers.
Ft. Bragg
Dial-A-Ride serves the Fort Bragg and Mendocino coast area from Jug Handle State Park and Gibney Lane on the south to Ward Avenue in Cleone on the north (including McKerricher State Park). You can travel between any origin and destination within the service area. Check the map to see the limits of the service area and the four zone boundaries.
For more detailed information and a Dial-A-Ride Passenger Guide, click here: Passenger Guide Aug 2019 Fort Bragg
Monday through Friday | 8 am to 6 pm |
Saturday | 10 am to 5 pm |
707-964-1800 |
Cash fare for trips within the central zone are:
General Public | $6.00 |
Senior (62+)/Disabled | $3.00 |
Children, 6 and under | $1.25 |
ADA Attendant | free |
ADA Companion | $3.00 |
Fares for travel outside of the central zone are an additional $6.00 per zone. Total fare is based on the highest number zone the passenger is traveling to/from. Punch passes and tickets are also available.
ADA Paratransit Service
ADA Paratransit service is available for persons with disabilities who live within ¾ mile of MTA’s local Ft. Bragg and Willits bus routes. This service is by advance reservation and requires ADA certification. For ADA information please call 707-462-1422
In Ukiah and Ft. Bragg, ADA paratransit service is operated by MTA. In Willits, ADA Paratransit service is provided by Willits Seniors Inc. Reservations should be made at least 24-hours in advance by calling:
- Ukiah, 707-462-3881
- Ft. Bragg , 707-964-1800
- Willits, 707-459-9038