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Board of Directors

Regular Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, January 26, 2022                                                                              1:30 p.m.


MTA Board of Directors

Saprina Rodriguez, Chair

Jim Tarbell, Vice Chair

Bruce Richard

Tess Albin-Smith

Eric Dahlhoff

Maureen Mulheren

Josefina Dueňas

Pursuant to Governor Newsom’s Executive Orders N-29-20 revised on June 11, 2021 and Executive Order N-08-21 revised on June 11, 2021, and pursuant to AB 361, members of the MTA Board of Directors will participate in this meeting via teleconference or videoconference.

 Members of the public may participate by phone or computer:

 Mendocino Transit Authority is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

 Topic: MTA Board Meeting

Time: Jan 26, 2022 01:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

 Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 816 1716 2823

Passcode: 747830

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Meeting ID: 816 1716 2823

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Please press mute on your phone or computer until public comments are open. The Chair will call for public comments during the Public Comment section of the agenda as well as during each agenda item discussion.  Members of the public may also submit questions via email to and these comments will be read aloud during the public comment section of the meeting and be made part of the official record of the meeting. Comments must be submitted prior to the close of the comment period.

 Please visit to view available agenda background documents.




MTA Board of Directors welcomes participation in its meetings. Comments shall be limited to three (3) minutes per person so that everyone may be given an opportunity to be heard. To expedite matters and avoid repetition, whenever any group of persons wishes to address the MTA Board of Directors on the same subject matter, the Chair may request that a spokesperson be chosen by the group. This item is limited to matters under the jurisdiction of the Mendocino Transit Authority which are not on the posted agenda. Public criticism of the MTA Board will not be prohibited. No action shall be taken.


  1.  Approval of Minutes of December 8, 2021 Regular Board Meeting
  2.  Approval of Minutes of January 6, 2022 Special Board Meeting Minutes
  3.  Acceptance of Service Performance Report
  4.  Acceptance of Financial Reports – July 2021 through November 2021
  5.  Adoption of Resolution No. 202202 Authorizing Remote Teleconference Meetings of the Board of Directors of Mendocino Transit Authority for the period of January 26, 2022, through February 26, 2022, Pursuant to Brown Act Provisions.


  1. Unmet Needs:  Solicit Public Input
  2. Discussion and Possible Approval of MTA Special Event: Blue Economy Symposium Event Fort Bragg on May 21, 2022 and May 22, 2022.
  3. Discussion and Possible Adoption of Resolution Approving Grant Application for 5339 Funding for All Electric 35-Foot Electric Coach and Authorizing MTA Executive Director, Jacob King, to apply for 5339 Funding.
  4. Presentation, Discussion and Possible Action Approval of a Three-Year Contact between Swiftly and Mendocino Transit Authority for GTFS Real Time for $172,260.00
  5. Presentation, Discussion and Possible Action Approval of Contract for Validator Contactless Payment Between Cal-ITP and Mendocino Transit Authority.


  1. Matters from Management
  2. Matters from Directors


  1. Closed session pursuant to Government Code 54957: Public Employee Performance Evaluation – Executive Director
  2. Closed session pursuant to Government Code 54957.6: Conference with Labor Negotiator  Agency Designated Representative: Agency Chair Unrepresented Employee: Executive Director



Anticipated adjournment is 3:30 p.m.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Compliance

Mendocino Transit Authority complies with AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA). Upon request, MTA will attempt to reasonably accommodate individuals with 

disabilities by making meeting material available in appropriate alternate formats pursuant to Government Code Section 54953.2 and Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Sec. 12132).  Anyone requiring reasonable accommodation in order to participate in the meeting should contact Heather Lindsteadt at Mendocino Transit Authority by calling (707) 234-6447 or by email at at least 72 hours prior to the meeting.