Transit tools for the web and mobile devices
Since MTA made schedule data available in a standardized format, independent software developers have offered a number of useful tools for riders. Below are some of the free applications that are available from third-party developers using MTA’s open GTFS data.
Other applications are listed at City-Go-Round.
Questions or comments? Do we need to add an app? Contact MTA.
Mobile Applications |
Stops and schedules
For iOS (iPhone, iPod touch, iPad)
Directions and “transit navigation”
For Android
For Android, Blackberry, iOS, Windows mobile
For iOS (iPhone, iPod touch, iPad)
Find rentals near public transit, get Transit Scores
For iOS
Desktop Applications |
Shows stop locations
For Linux, Mac OS X, Windows
Identify hotels with access to a given location by transit
For web browsers
For web browsers
For web-browsers
Multi-modal directions, including air, local bus, and intercity bus
For web-browsers
Transit Score, search for rentals with convenient transit access
For web-browsers
Accessibility Devices |
Transit information for wayfinding use by people who are visually impaired.
For BrailleNote and VoiceNote GPS system