System Alert: Night Bus Service is Back!! Effective 8-19-2024
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MTA Offers Travel Training

For many people, riding the bus is as easy and routine as making toast.


But what seems second nature for them—figuring out routes, schedules, stops, fares, boarding etiquette and rules of the ride—is enough to discourage others from even trying to use the bus to get around town or the county. Mendocino Transit Authority’s new Travel Training program was developed to teach travelers how to use public bus transit.


“Public transit can be intimidating for someone who wants to use the bus but doesn’t know how,” said Dawn White, operations supervisor at MTA and lead tutor for the training program. “Anyone can call MTA and ask for a tutor, which is me.  I accompany them on their first several bus rides until they understand how it all works and feel comfortable riding the bus on their own.”


White teaches those who want training to use a printed or online bus schedule and figure out fares. She will literally walk with the trainee through the process of getting to the correct bus stop, recognizing which bus to board, waiting for people to disembark before boarding, managing fare payment, on-board etiquette, and getting off at the right stop.


The service is offered in most of MTA’s service area including Ukiah, Willits and Fort Bragg.


For travel training, call White direct at MTA: (707) 234-6443.


Mendocino Transit Authority provides safe, low-cost, and reliable public bus service throughout Mendocino County. For more information, visit